Saturday 22 March 2014

10 Things That Make Me Happy!

In this post, I'm going to talk about the 10 things that make me happy! I'm so grateful of what I have, but the things I'm going to be talking about  just instantly make me feel so much better especially when I'm in a bad mood. 


#1  Food - Oh my gosh, I absolutely love food, they are so delicious. Whenever I feel down, eating food will make me feel instantly better! 

#2  Youtube - I've watched Youtube for years, I find watching different sort of videos on there so entertaining for me, especially beauty/girly videos! My favourite youtubers are Pewdiepie, Beautybaby44 and Meghanrosette.                        

#3  Films - Maybe I'm just weird, but I'm absolutely addicted to watching films! I'm the kind of person who likes films so much more than TV shows or dramas. My favourite films are Catching Fire, The Hunger Games and Now You See Me!                 

#4  Sunshine  - I live in the UK, and unfortunately sunshine and gorgeous weathers don't appear in UK, especially in winter. However, there has been a lot of beautiful sunshine and warmth in the UK recently and I LOVE it! Whenever I'm under the sunshine or in a nice weather, it'll constantly put me into an awesome mood!                            

#5  Nail polishes - I'M A NAIL POLISH ADDICT. I absolutely adore nail polishes especially the different range of colours and effects they come in and of course I adore wearing them as well.

#6  Peace  - It might sound a little cheesy, nevertheless when there's no catastrophes or horrible things happening in the world, I will feel so much better. I love peace and I would love to be somewhere where there's nothing but peace. 
#7  Lying on my bed & read - I love reading, but lying on my bed plus reading makes it a million times better. It feels so comfortable and relaxing, and makes me feel like I'm beyond cloud nine! Every morning or night, I would just lean on my pillow and read for hours!                                                     

#8  Music - Music is just a general thing, so, more specifically, Taylor Swift, Macklemore and Katy Perry! I find their songs so inspirational and I think their songs are AMAZING!

#9  Pastel colours - It might sound weird to some of you, but whenever I see any item that is a pretty pastel colour , I go crazy! I think they look extremely cute and stunning all year round!

#10 Drawing - Of course, how could I talk about the things that make me happy without mentioning drawing! I love anything that involves creative arts, such as, designing, drawing, painting,  decorating, crafting, and DIY.                           

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